Monday, September 04, 2006

Can you be praying?

My mom will be having replacement hip surgery on September 26th. I had hoped to go out the two weeks she was in the hospital and take care of her animals. That would at least give me a chance to visit her at the hopsital / rehab center.
However, she seems to have things covered on that front, so wouldn't need me to come until she was home. The kicker is, I have a business trip that combined would put me away from home for over a month.
I'm sure she is nervous; I hear it's not an easy recovery. J's dad went through two and it was a struggle. So, please keep her in mind :)
Thanks everyone!


Blogger david said...

Hi Kelli -- you're now added to the Big Sky Blogroll -- welcome!

6:15 PM  
Blogger Just Me said...

Hey Kelli...My mom had her hip replacement last year..and it wasn't all that bad. The biggest thing was having the right person over to help her to her excercises - those excercises make all the difference in the world. Two of my sister's are nurses, they insisted that mom do her 'stuff' twice a day - both of them said it speeds up your recovery time and actually will help with pain - stops the stiffness. So....I say all that, to say...i will also be praying that the Heavenly Father, who knew exactly when your mom would have her operation AND when you'd be gone on a business trip...will bring peace to you both, comfort to you mom..and release quick and supernatural healing! yeah God! You're still in the healing business - so touch Kelli's mom!

6:25 PM  
Blogger Barb said...

Your Mom now officially has prayer coverage from Colorado. Any kind of surgery is tough. But I've heard so many people say they had a new lease on life after having hip replacement. My own mother-in-law had both knees replaced, as did my mom, and it was wonderful, after they recovered, to see them able to do what we take for granted, move around, pain free.

But yes, she's definitely in my prayers. Not an easy thing for her to go through, but well worth it I think.

8:05 PM  

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