Thursday, March 22, 2007

Addison: Urgent Prayer

Update from Sarah ... Click Here

This is from Bev's blog:

Sarah phoned me from the back of an ambulance, asking me to post this on my blog because she's away from home. Addison was diagnosed with RSV a few days ago, has been on breathing treatments, and seemed to be doing better.

Apparently last night she started having more difficulties. When Sarah took Addison to the doctor this morning, he sent her straight to the hospital. She was receiving a breathing treatment on the way. Sarah suspects pneumonia, but I've yet to hear anything more since Sarah saw the doctor.

She just asked me to let you all know - Addison needs prayer again. If you have a minute and can put this on your blog, this Grammy would feel better knowing Heaven is being flooded with requests on her behalf. I'm sure Sarah and Chris would too.


Blogger Barb said...

Thank you, Kelli. It's a long afternoon, waiting to hear from my sister. I'm always shocked how quickly word gets out and the prayer warriors get busy out here. I should be used to this by now but it always moves me beyond words.

And how are you doing?

2:40 PM  
Blogger Valerie said...

May God's healing hand be on sweet little Addison, and comfort and guide the hearts of her parents, Lord. You are by their side, and holding Addison in your hands. I pray healing on that little one, and the strength to over come the struggles ahead.

8:58 PM  

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